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Norske Redningshunder

A- Godkjente redningshunder

Ettersøk:                                         Lavine:                                        Katastrofe:

Rainbows Ends "Chillie" (Davey) 

Nanduhrias Nahar (Neo) 

Suika frå Kolåstind (t)                    Blackneck’s A’Irra (m)
Blackneck’s A’sett (m)
Brakeless C.I.A Ceasefire (m)
BH Brakeless Dum Dum Boy (m)
Brakeless Gloria Goldtooth (m)
NUCH SVCH Cichlas Bandit (g)
NUCH Cichlas Bajaz (g)
Betzy de Contrescarpe (t)
Kråkeslottet’ s Bartholomeo Cavalcanti (g)
Lindjax Introducing Action (m)
N SE UCH NACH NVV-11 Nadjarah’s Athena (g)
Nanduhria’s Iaurwath (g)
BH Nanduhria’s Lalaith (g)
BH Navigare Minas Tirith Breeze (m)
Nizhoni’s Master Thief (t)
Xo Armani Xcellent Courvoisier (t)
Kvina’s Officer ‘n Gentleman (m)

Nanduhrias Nahar (Neo)

N SE DK INT UCH Chatojo`s Emil O`Mohawk (t)
Nizhoni’s Master Thief (t)
Anne Frå Kolåstind (t)
Arg Frå Kolåstind (t)

BH Navigare Minas Tirith Breeze (m)

B- Godkjente redningshunder

Ettersøk:                                         Lavine:                                        Katastrofe:

BH B IPO2 SchH3 SL3 NLch
Brakeless Absolute Extra (m)
N DK UCH Cichlas Goya (g)
CIB, NO DK LUX NL CH, BW`15, SVV`15, VDH-LeipzigW`15, GEW`15
Kitou De La Ferme Farouche (g)
Nanduhria’s Galabas Chac (g)

Extraction A’Focus (m)

Nanduhrias Nahar (Neo)

BH B IPO2 SchH3 SL3 NLch
Brakeless Absolute Extra (m)
Lindjax Introducing Action (m)
BH Nanduhria’s Lalaith (g) 

C- Godkjente redningshunder

Ettersøk:                                         Lavine:                                        Katastrofe:


Nanduhria’s Figwit (g)


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